Now that we are in the season of ideal running conditions (for me), my weekends are planned around races that spark my interest. Mostly races that have a finisher's medal. I know, it sounds crazy, but my man got me a medal hanger for Christmas that holds 30 medals...yes, THIRTY! I only have 9 medals right now, so I need to fill the hanger up. Sounds like a decent goal, right?
So, here is a list of upcoming races that I'll be participating in (with links) so you can join me if you'd like! Any time I get a discount code, I'll be sure to share.
Sunday, February 9th - Biggest Loser 5k and Half Marathon Run/Walk
Use code RUNBLOG14 for 25% off
Saturday, March 15th - Alligator Alley Obstacle & Mud Run
Use code MADCROCUSA for 20% off
Saturday, March 22nd - Azalea Trail 5k & 10k
What races are on your calendar through March?
Don't forget the zombie run;)